We have offices at three convenient locations

Fill out the form below to continue with your $69 first time chiropractic appointment


Here's what is included in your FIRST visit:

  • Needs-Based 1-on-1 Consultation:  Sit down with one of our Doctors to specifically have your needs heard and get to the root cause of what you are experiencing.
  • Digital X-Ray Motion Assessment: State-of-the-art technology to determine where your spine is restricted and misaligned causing inflammation and possible pinched nerves.
  • Chiropractic Functional Tests: This is where we will find any knots, tension spots, where you are holding your stress, and if misalignments are causing your pain.
  • Neurospinal Analysis:  Chiropractic-specific exam assessing the muscle tone of the body and the spine to find the unique compensation patterns you are holding.
  • ​Individualized Care Plan:  We will develop a unique care plan designed specifically for you so that you know your care is based on your specific needs.

Fill out the form below, including all required fields, and we will contact you as soon as possible.